Probability Definition in Math

Probability Definition in Math is a measure of the likelihood that a certain event will occur. It is a number between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating that an event is impossible and 1 indicating that an event is certain.

Probability Definition

In mathematical terms, probability is defined as the ratio of the number of favorable outcomes to the total number of possible outcomes. For example, if a coin is flipped, there are two possible outcomes: heads or tails. If the probability of getting heads is 1/2, it means that if the coin is flipped multiple times, we would expect to get heads about half of the time.

Probability can also be expressed as a percentage, with 0% indicating an impossible event and 100% indicating a certain event. For example, if the probability of getting heads is 1/2, it can also be expressed as 50%.

Probability is used in many fields including gambling, finance, weather forecasting, and quality control. It helps us to understand the likelihood of different events happening and make decisions based on that information.

Permutations and Combinations

Formula for Probability

The general formula for probability is:

Probability = (Number of favorable outcomes) / (Total number of possible outcomes)

This formula can be written as:

P(E) = n(E) / n(S)


  • P(E) is the probability of event E happening
  • n(E) is the number of favorable outcomes for event E
  • n(S) is the total number of possible outcomes in the sample space S

It’s important to note that the probability of an event happening is always between 0 and 1, inclusive. A probability of 0 means that an event is impossible, while a probability of 1 means that an event is certain.

For example, if a coin is flipped, there are two possible outcomes: heads or tails. If the probability of getting heads is 1/2, it means that if the coin is flipped multiple times, we would expect to get heads about half of the time.

Also, the sum of all the probabilities of all the possible events should always be equal to 1. This is because one of the possible events is bound to happen.

Probability can also be expressed as a percentage, with 0% indicating an impossible event and 100% indicating a certain event. For example, if the probability of getting heads is 1/2, it can also be expressed as 50%. Probability Definition in math

Solved Examples of probability

Here are a few examples of probability problems with solutions:

Example 1: A fair die is rolled. What is the probability of getting a 4?

Solution: There are 6 possible outcomes when a fair die is rolled (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Only 1 of those outcomes is getting a 4, so the probability is 1/6 or about 0.17.

Example 2: A bag contains 4 red balls and 6 green balls. A ball is drawn at random. What is the probability that it is red?

Solution: There are 10 balls in total (4 red and 6 green) and 4 of them are red. So the probability of drawing a red ball is 4/10 or 0.4.

Example 3: A coin is flipped twice. What is the probability of getting 2 heads?

Solution: The possible outcomes when flipping a coin twice are: (heads, heads), (heads, tails), (tails, heads), (tails, tails). Only one of those outcomes is getting 2 heads, so the probability is 1/4 or 0.25.

Example 4: A deck of cards is well-shuffled. What is the probability of drawing a king?

Solution: There are 52 cards in a deck, and 4 of them are kings. Therefore, the probability of drawing a king is 4/52 or 1/13.

Example 5: A fair coin is flipped and a fair die is rolled. What is the probability of getting a heads and a 3?

Solution: The probability of getting a heads is 1/2, and the probability of getting a 3 is 1/6. Since these events are independent, the probability of both of them happening is (1/2) x (1/6) = 1/12.

Probability Tree

A probability tree is a graphical representation of the possible outcomes of a probability problem and the probabilities of each outcome. It is used to visualize and calculate the probabilities of different events, especially when there are multiple stages or steps involved.

The tree is made up of branches that represent possible outcomes and nodes that represent the probabilities of those outcomes. The tree starts with a single node, called the root node, that represents the initial state of the problem. From there, branches split off to represent the possible outcomes at each stage of the problem.

Each branch is labeled with the outcome and the probability of that outcome occurring. The probabilities of the different outcomes at each stage are multiplied together to find the overall probability of reaching a certain final outcome.

Here’s an example of a probability tree:

                           |                      |
                        ___H___                ___T___
                       |       |              |       |
                    __1/4__  __3/4__         __1/3__ __2/3__
                   |     |  |     |        |     |  |     |
                  HH    HT  TH    TT       H T   H T   H T

This tree represents a problem where a coin is flipped and then a die is rolled. The root node represents the initial state of the problem, with a probability of 1/2 of getting heads and 1/2 of getting tails. From there, the branches split off to represent the possible outcomes of the coin flip (heads or tails) and the die roll (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6). The probabilities of the different outcomes are written next to the branches, and the overall probability of reaching a certain final outcome is found by multiplying the probabilities of the branches along the path to that outcome.

Probability trees are a useful tool for solving problems involving multiple stages or steps, and can be used to find the probability of different combinations of events.

Types of Probability

There are several different types of probability, including:

  1. Classical probability
  2. Empirical probability
  3. Subjective probability
  4. Axiomatic probability
  5. Frequentist probability
  6. Bayesian probability
  7. Constructive probability
  8. Algorithmic probability
  9. Theoretical probability
  10. Conditional probability
  11. Joint probability

These are some of the main types of probability. Each one has its own unique definition and method of calculation. It’s important to note that some of these types of probability are considered more suitable for certain applications than others.

  1. Classical probability: This type of probability is based on the idea of equally likely outcomes. It is used when there is a well-defined sample space and all outcomes in the sample space are equally likely to occur. For example, when rolling a fair die, the probability of getting any number from 1 to 6 is 1/6.
  2. Empirical probability: This type of probability is based on experimental data or observations. It is calculated by counting the number of times an event occurs and dividing it by the total number of trials or observations. For example, if a coin is flipped 100 times and comes up heads 50 times, the empirical probability of getting heads is 50/100 or 0.5.
  3. Subjective probability: This type of probability is based on personal judgment or opinion. It is used when there is no well-defined sample space or when the outcomes are not equally likely. For example, guessing the outcome of a sporting event is subjective probability, as it depends on one’s personal opinion about the teams involved.
  4. Axiomatic probability: Axiomatic probability is a mathematical approach to defining and calculating the probability of events. It is based on a set of axioms or postulates that are used to define the probability of an event, and the properties of probability.
  5. Frequentist probability : This is a probability theory that defines probability as the long-term relative frequency of an event happening in a large number of trials or experiments. It is based on the idea that the probability of an event is the proportion of times the event occurs in a large number of trials or experiments.
  6. Bayesian probability: This is a branch of probability theory that defines probability as a measure of belief or degree of certainty about an event, rather than a long-term relative frequency. It is based on the idea that probability represents our degree of belief in an event, rather than the objective likelihood of the event occurring.
  7. Constructive probability is a branch of probability theory that is based on the idea that probability is a constructive concept, meaning that it can be defined and computed based on the properties of the system being studied, rather than being a primitive or undefined concept.
  8. Algorithmic probability, also known as Solomonoff induction, is a branch of probability theory that is based on the idea that probability can be defined and computed using algorithms and computations. It is related to the concept of constructive probability, and it is mainly used in artificial intelligence and computer science.
  9. Theoretical probability: This type of probability is calculated using mathematical formulas and models. It is used to make predictions about future events or to understand the underlying causes of certain phenomena.
  10. Conditional probability: This type of probability is used to calculate the probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred. It is represented by P(A|B) and is calculated by P(A and B) / P(B).
  11. Joint probability: This type of probability is used to calculate the probability of two or more events occurring together. It is represented by P(A and B) and is calculated by P(A) * P(B|A)

It’s important to note that all these types of probability are related and one can be transformed into another depending on the problem.

Probability of an Event

The probability of an event is a measure of the likelihood that the event will occur. It is a value between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating that the event will not occur and 1 indicating that the event will definitely occur. A probability of 0.5, for example, indicates that there is a 50% chance of the event occurring.

The probability of an event can be calculated using the following formula:

Probability of an event (A) = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of possible outcomes


  • “Number of favorable outcomes” refers to the number of ways in which the event A can occur.
  • “Total number of possible outcomes” refers to the total number of outcomes in the sample space.

For example, if you roll a fair die, the sample space is the set of all possible outcomes: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. The probability of getting a 4 on a roll is 1/6, because there is only 1 favorable outcome (rolling a 4) out of a total of 6 possible outcomes.

It’s important to note that the sum of the probabilities of all the events in a sample space must equal 1.

Probability of an event can also be expressed in terms of percentage or decimal.

What are Equally Likely Events?

Equally likely events are events that have the same probability of occurring. In other words, they have the same chance of happening.

For example, in a fair coin toss, the probability of getting a “heads” and the probability of getting a “tails” are both 0.5, or 50%. This is because there are two possible outcomes (heads or tails) and each outcome has an equal chance of occurring.

Similarly, in a fair die roll, the probability of getting any number from 1 to 6 is 1/6. This is because there are six possible outcomes (the numbers 1 through 6) and each outcome has an equal chance of occurring.

Equally likely events are often used in classical probability. Classical probability is a branch of probability theory that is based on the idea that all outcomes are equally likely to occur.

It’s important to note that not all events are equally likely. For example, in a loaded die, the numbers may not have the same probability of occurring or in a biased coin toss, the probability of getting a “heads” and the probability of getting a “tails” may not be the same.

Complementary Events

Complementary events are two events whose outcomes are mutually exclusive and together make up the sample space. The probability of one complementary event is the complement of the probability of the other event. The complement of an event A is denoted by A’ (A prime)

For example, consider a coin toss. The two complementary events are “heads” and “tails.” If the probability of getting heads is P(A) = 0.5, then the probability of getting tails is P(A’) = 1 – P(A) = 1 – 0.5 = 0.5.

Another example is rolling a fair die. The two complementary events are “rolling an even number” and “rolling an odd number.” If the probability of rolling an even number is P(A) = 3/6 = 1/2, then the probability of rolling an odd number is P(A’) = 1 – P(A) = 1 – 1/2 = 1/2.

It’s important to note that for any event A, the sum of the probability of the event and its complement will always be 1.

P(A) + P(A’) = 1

The complement of an event can be used to find the probability of an event not happening.

Independent Events

Independent events are events whose outcomes do not affect the probability of the other event. In other words, the occurrence or non-occurrence of one event does not change the probability of the other event happening.

For example, consider flipping two fair coins. The outcome of the first coin flip (heads or tails) does not affect the probability of the second coin flip (heads or tails). The probability of getting heads on the first coin flip and the probability of getting heads on the second coin flip are both 0.5, regardless of what the outcome of the first coin flip was. Therefore, the two coin flips are independent events.

Another example is drawing two cards from a deck of cards. The event of drawing a heart on the first card does not affect the probability of drawing a heart on the second card. Therefore, the two card draws are independent events.

The probability of two independent events happening together can be found by multiplying the probability of each event.

P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B)

where A and B are the two independent events.

It’s important to note that not all events are independent. For example, rolling two fair dice and getting the sum of the numbers, the outcome of the first die roll will affect the probability of the second die roll.

And also, not all dependent events are mutually exclusive. For example, drawing a card from a deck, and drawing another card without replacing the first one. The first card drawn will affect the probability of the second card. But it’s not mutually exclusive.

Mutually Exclusive Events

Mutually exclusive events are events that cannot happen at the same time. In other words, if one event occurs, the other event cannot occur.

For example, consider a coin toss. The two mutually exclusive events are “heads” and “tails.” If the coin lands on heads, it cannot land on tails at the same time.

Another example is rolling a fair die. The two mutually exclusive events are “rolling a 1” and “rolling a 2.” If the die rolls a 1, it cannot roll a 2 at the same time.

The probability of two mutually exclusive events happening together can be found by adding the probability of each event.

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)

where A and B are the two mutually exclusive events.

It’s important to note that not all events are mutually exclusive. For example, drawing a card from a deck of cards, the event of drawing a heart and the event of drawing a spade are not mutually exclusive. As a card can be either a heart or a spade.

Also, not all mutually exclusive events are independent events. For example, drawing a card from a deck of cards and drawing another card without replacing the first one. The first card drawn will affect the probability of the second card. But it’s mutually exclusive.

Applications of Probability

Probability has many real-world applications, some of which include:

  1. Statistics: Probability is used in statistics to make predictions about a population based on a sample of data.
  2. Medical Research: Probability is used to determine the likelihood of certain medical conditions or the effectiveness of treatments.
  3. Weather Forecasting: Probability is used to predict the likelihood of certain weather conditions, such as precipitation or temperature.
  4. Quality Control: Probability is used in quality control to determine the likelihood of a product being defective or the probability of a manufacturing process producing defective products.
  5. Finance: Probability is used in finance to assess the risk of investment and to price financial derivatives.
  6. Gaming and Gambling: Probability is used in games of chance, such as poker and roulette, to determine the odds of winning.
  7. Computer Science: Probability is used in computer science in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing.
  8. Natural Sciences: Probability is used in natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, and biology to model and understand complex systems.
  9. Business: Probability is used in business to make decisions about inventory management, pricing, and marketing.
  10. Engineering: Probability is used in engineering to design and analyze systems, such as communication networks and power systems.
Probability Definition in math | Formula for Probability | Solved Examples of probability | Probability Tree | Types of Probability | Probability of an Event | What are Equally Likely Events? | Complementary Events | Independent Events | Mutually Exclusive Events | Applications of Probability | Problems and Solutions on Probability | Probability Problems

Problems and Solutions on Probability

I can provide you with some examples of probability problems and solutions:

Problem 1: A bag contains 5 red balls and 3 green balls. A ball is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ball drawn is red?

Solution: The total number of balls in the bag is 5 + 3 = 8. The number of red balls is 5. Therefore, the probability of drawing a red ball is 5/8.

Problem 2: A fair die is rolled. What is the probability of getting a number greater than 4?

Solution: There are 6 possible outcomes when a fair die is rolled (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The number of outcomes that are greater than 4 is 2 (5, 6). Therefore, the probability of getting a number greater than 4 is 2/6 = 1/3.

Problem 3: A bag contains 3 red balls, 4 blue balls, and 5 green balls. A ball is drawn, and then another ball is drawn without replacement. What is the probability that both balls are red?

Solution: The total number of balls in the bag is 3 + 4 + 5 = 12. The number of red balls is 3. Therefore, the probability of drawing a red ball on the first draw is 3/12. The total number of balls left after the first draw is 11. The number of red balls left is 2. Therefore, the probability of drawing a red ball on the second draw is 2/11. So the probability of drawing 2 red balls is (3/12) * (2/11) = 1/22.

Problem 4: A bag contains 2 white balls and 3 black balls. A ball is drawn at random, and then another ball is added to the bag. A ball is drawn again. What is the probability that the second ball drawn is white?

Solution: The total number of balls in the bag is 2 + 3 = 5. The number of white balls is 2. Therefore, the probability of drawing a white ball on the first draw is 2/5. After adding a ball to the bag, total number of balls is 6. The number of white balls is 3. Therefore, the probability of drawing a white ball on the second draw is 3/6.

I hope these examples help you to understand the basic concepts of probability and how to solve problems related to it. Remember, probability problems can have different levels of complexity, but the basic concepts and formulas remain the same. Probability Definition in math

Probability Problems

Sure, here are a few more probability problems for you:

Problem 1: A box contains 5 red marbles, 7 blue marbles, and 8 green marbles. If a marble is randomly selected, what is the probability of it being red or blue?

Solution: The total number of marbles in the box is 5 + 7 + 8 = 20. The number of red or blue marbles is 5 + 7 = 12. Therefore, the probability of drawing a red or blue marble is 12/20 = 3/5.

Problem 2: A coin is flipped twice. What is the probability of getting two heads?

Solution: The probability of getting heads on the first flip is 1/2, and the probability of getting heads on the second flip is also 1/2. Since the coin flips are independent events, the probability of getting two heads is (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/4.

Problem 3: A bag contains 3 red balls and 2 white balls. A ball is drawn at random, and then returned to the bag. Another ball is drawn. What is the probability that the second ball drawn is white?

Solution: The total number of balls in the bag is 3 + 2 = 5. The number of white balls is 2. Therefore, the probability of drawing a white ball on the first draw is 2/5. After returning the first ball to the bag, the total number of balls is 5 again, and the number of white balls is still 2. Therefore, the probability of drawing a white ball on the second draw is 2/5.

Problem 4: A bag contains 3 red balls and 2 green balls. A ball is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ball drawn is not green?

Solution: The total number of balls in the bag is 3 + 2 = 5. The number of green balls is 2. Therefore, the probability of drawing a green ball is 2/5. The probability of not drawing a green ball is 1 – 2/5 = 3/5.

Remember, these are just examples and you can find more problems to practice on different books or online resources. Practice is the key to mastering the concepts of probability.Probability Definition in math

Probability Definition in math | Formula for Probability | Solved Examples of probability | Probability Tree | Types of Probability | Probability of an Event | What are Equally Likely Events? | Complementary Events | Independent Events | Mutually Exclusive Events | Applications of Probability | Problems and Solutions on Probability | Probability Problems
Probability Definition in math | Formula for Probability | Solved Examples of probability | Probability Tree | Types of Probability | Probability of an Event | What are Equally Likely Events? | Complementary Events | Independent Events | Mutually Exclusive Events | Applications of Probability | Problems and Solutions on Probability | Probability Problems
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